"Animal Abuse" Flick to Be Shown Outside Schools, Malls. By Steve Jansen. 2. Surreal Estate? The 5 Biggest Blights on the Houston Skyline. By Jeff Balke. 3. Surreal Estate? HAR Listing Overwhelmed by Dolls, Dolls & More Dolls ... 2009 ? Some Local Has A Winning $76 Million Lottery Ticket -- Or Do They? April 28, 2010 ? An Unlikely Winner at the Mushroom Throwdown February 2, 2010 ? Houston's Anne-Kathrine Ubberud Learns The Hard Way About Immigration Law May 3, 2010 ...
There is actually a town with our last name "Ubberud" and my immediate family (6 of us) are the last Ubberuds in the world. 035. Seen an Amish community. 036. Taught myself a new language. Learned enough in school lol (English, ...
There is actually a town with our last name "Ubberud" and my immediate family (6 of us) are the last Ubberuds in the world. 035. Seen an Amish community. 036. Taught myself a new language. Learned enough in school lol (English, ...